Your donation will provide
Prenatal Care, Pediatric Visits, General Medicine, Women’s Health Services, Mental Health, along with many other specialty services.
As always, your support is greatly appreciated, and we thank you.
Please contact our Director of Philanthropy with any questions:
Jenn Marley @ Jenn@phcpc.org
Other Ways to Give

Become a Sustaining Member
Recurring donations give the People’s Health Clinic a steady income to count-on throughout the year. Choose weekly, monthly or annually on the donation form and we will charge the card of your choice at the intervals you specify. You can choose any amount you wish. Simplify giving with automatic donations from a credit card or checking account. Change, pause or cancel your gift at any time. Click here to get started.

Gift Planning
Gift planning offers People’s Health Clinic supporters a way to make a lasting impact on our community.
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Gift Planning is a creative process that allows you to express your personal values by integrating your charitable, family and financial goals. A variety of options are available for you to plan for tomorrow, today. In addition to making a current outright gift (writing a check, transferring securities or signing a multi-year pledge), you can choose a life-income gift (which pays you and/or your spouse an income for life) or a testamentary gift (which occurs after your lifetime).
What to Give
Each of these assets offers different advantages, such as tax benefits and ease of transfer.
- Cash/Check
- Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
- Real Estate
- Tangible Personal Property (art, jewelry)
- Life Insurance Policy
- Retirement Plan Assets and/or IRAs
- Business and/or Partnership Interests
How to Give
Different giving vehicles offer a variety of advantages, including gift, income, estate and capital gains tax benefits, which can maximize the benefits to your family and People’s Health Clinic.
Deferred or Life-Income Gifts
- Gift Annuity
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Retained Life Estate
- Bequests
- Life Insurance
- Retirement Plan Assets
Family Philanthropic Fund
- Designed to engage your whole family in giving and to establish a legacy of philanthropy.
For more information please contact Jenn Marley @ Jenn@phcpc.org

Honor & Memorial Giving
Honor the special person who made a difference in your life by making a difference in the lives of our patients at People’s Health Clinic.
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Name an Area of the Clinic
- 5 year Naming or 10 Year Naming
- A Naming gift to Peoples Health Clinic is not only an opportunity to leave a legacy in your community but is also ensures continued healthcare services for our uninsured patients. Your contribution can name a variety of areas in the Clinic – exam rooms, offices, reception and more.
A Memorial Bench in Honor of a Loved One
- May your gift be written in STONE! Purchasing a People’s Health Clinic Memorial Bench today allows you to honor a loved one or family member while supporting People’s Health Clinic that is dedicated to keeping our most vulnerable healthy. Your bench will be engraved with meaningful words you choose and placed on the walking path from the clinic to Park City Hospital.
To learn more about Naming opportunities or to discuss leaving a legacy please contact Jenn Marley @ Jenn@phcpc.org

Corporate Giving
Your company can provide vital philanthropic support for the life-saving work being done every day by our physicians and staff.
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Together, we can form a partnership that resonates with your company’s mission and provides vital philanthropic support for the life-saving work being done every day by our providers and staff. Our partnership also can help build camaraderie and leadership skills among your employees who volunteer time or money as part of your company’s outreach efforts.
We work with our corporate partners to understand their needs and match their philanthropic interests with strategic opportunities at People’s Health Clinic. Each relationship is unique, whether it’s:
- A traditional gift to support an area of interest, highlighting your commitment to the community.
- An event sponsorship that drives traffic and grows your brand likability.
- A cause-marketing program that raises awareness and support for a disease or disorder.
- An in-kind partnership that puts your goods and services in the hands of our patients or donors.
We encourage you to contact us to discuss how we can do something special, together.
For more information please contact Jenn Marley @ Jenn@phcpc.org

Affiliate Partners
Donate while Shopping with our trusted affiliate partners Amazon Smile and GoodShop and a portion of your purchase supports PHC initiatives.
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Amazon Smile:
Please consider shopping at AmazonSmile and selecting People’s Health Clinic as your charity. Amazon will donate .05% of your eligible purchases at no additional cost to you.

Good Shop has donated over $13 million so far to 118,000+ charities. Sign up today online.
Keep the change, or make a change- a great way to donate when shopping. Choose a CAUSE on the dashboard of GoodShop and search for People’s Health Clinic. We appreciate your generosity as it benefits our Clinic while you shop!

Foundation Giving
See how your foundation can make a difference in our community by supporting the People’s Health Clinic.
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Together, we can form a partnership that resonates with your foundation’s mission and provides vital philanthropic support for the life-saving work being done every day by People’s Health Clinic physicians and Staff.
Our goal is to secure philanthropic funding through private and community foundations. We manage submissions of grants, monitor opportunities locally and nationally, review proposals and conduct prospect research.
Because we work closely with our foundation partners to match their philanthropic interests to areas of need within People’s Health Clinic, each foundation relationship is unique, whether it’s:
- A traditional gift to support an area of interest, highlighting your commitment to the community.
- A grant to advance and expand our medical services or staff. A scholarship that assists students in advancing their academic potential.
For more information please contact Jenn Marley @ Jenn@phcpc.org