Jeff Schiff, MD, MBA is a pediatrician practicing in general pediatrics and previously in pediatric emergency medicine.. He came to Utah from Minnesota in 2019. He is committed to supporting children and their families thrive. He is interested in the dynamics between health care and the lived experience of our children.
He served as the Chief Medical Officer for the Minnesota Department of Human Services (including the state’s Medicaid program) from 2006 to 2019. His portfolio included quality measurement, delivery system redesign, and benefit policy. His work often sits at the nexus of system implementation, health services research, and clinical practice.
He is currently a Senior Scholar at AcademyHealth focusing on improving the outcomes for those with limited resources via its Evidence Informed State Health Policy Institute and Medicaid Medical Director’s Network. His work includes the use of policy and the implementation of quality improvement to improve equity and outcomes by
fundamentally changing health care systems.
He is a past president of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and past chair of the Medicaid Medical Director’s Network. He receive an MBA with a health care focus in 2005.
Here in Park City he is enjoying the outdoor life including skiing, hiking, camping, and golf (barely). He has adult children, step-children and the next generation with toys delightfully strewn across the house.